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About us

Training equipment for martial arts of the company T. S. E. is a first-class quality, confirmed by the practical use of professional athletes in preparation for competitions

We offer to buy products for martial arts that will make strength training, practicing techniques of strikes, throws, and grabs effective. This is functionality, reliability, and affordable price. The company’s online store of modern martial Arts Technology presents unique equipment that solves a wide range of tasks in terms of physical training. The simulators for single combats presented in the catalog are focused on the harmonious development of the athlete, training: strength, speed, endurance.

Products for martial arts are made of durable materials that withstand intense loads and are resistant to damage. Their design provides for multi-purpose use. For example, the Russian wrestling bag is used for practicing the speed and technique of throws, as well as for performing a number of exercises: squats, tilts to strengthen the back, twists, and sketches. It effectively replaces the classic metal one.

With the help of simulators for martial arts company T. S. E. organized a full training process with minimal costs. This is a unique compact equipment that is convenient to use in gyms when training in the open air.



About the project from the founder of TCE
When we launched the project, the main goal was to make a significant contribution to the development of martial arts and continue what was started by my first coach.
First of all the project pursues a social mission:
  • Improving the level of wrestling equipment < br> of Russian athletes, military personnel
    and special forces personnel
  • Development of martial arts in localities
    with a limited number of sparring partners
  • Assistance in meeting the TRP Sambo standards < br> without a sparring partner

Hello, friends!

My name is Sergey Elin. From the age of 5 I started wrestling, judo and Sambo in Sevastopol, and from the age of 18 I started training in “Sambo-70”. There was not enough funding for athletes and we often did not have enough sparring partners. My coach, Viktor Belozerov, compensated for this with a research and scientific approach to the training process. He is a man with a capital letter, a fan and a master of his craft, who invented and made unique simulators, as well as devices for practicing techniques and improving special physical training of athletes. This allowed him to grow more than 100 candidates for master of sports, more than 30 masters of sports, as well as several winners of the World and European Championships! I was lucky to be one of them. Today, these simulators and devices have been significantly upgraded and supplemented with our own developments.

I wish you victory in sports and most importantly over yourself! 

Sincerely, Sergey Elin.


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Information about the patent

A security document certifying the exclusive right, authorship, and priority of an invention, utility model, industrial design, or selection achievement. The period of validity of a patent depends on the country of patenting, the object of patenting and is from 5 to 35 years (civil code Article 1363, civil code Article 1424). The author or co-authors are paid an author’s fee for using the patent (under a contract with the patent owner). For granting a license for the right to produce a product or use a method, the patent owner (licensor) receives a (one-time) lump-sum payment or annual royalties from the licensee.

A patent is issued by a state Executive body for intellectual property; for example, in the Russian Federation, such a body is Rospatent, in the United States-the Office for registration of patents and trademarks of the United States. International regulation is carried out by the world intellectual property organization (which performs, among other things, the relevant functions under the UN), the joint international bureaus for the protection of intellectual property, and others. In the world trade organization, these relations are regulated, among other things, by the “Agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights”.